10013 Vaults, Paco Cemetery, U.S. Soldiers Buried Here, Manila
(1899 B.L. Singley)

Maimed Filipinos - healing the wounds our bullets inflected -
U.S. hospital, Manila, P.I. (1899 Underwood)

A Guard on duty at Camp of 4th U.S. Infantry, Manila, 
Philippine Islands (1898 R. Y. Young)

13467 The Sick and the Wounded at dinner, U.S. Army Hospital, Manila, P.I.
(1900 B.W. Kilburn)

Caring for our Enemies - wounded Filipinos -- manila, Philippine Islands
(1899 Underwood & Underwood)

13472 Decorating the graves of the Oregon Volunteers in Battery Knoll
Cemetery, DEcoration Day, 1899, Manila, P.I. (1900 B.W. Kilburn)

71. Troops Barracks. Manila

At Target Practice, Manila